Last update: March 20, 2014, 1:34pm PDT.

Wednesday February 26, 2014, 10:00-3:30: Overview Talks (David B. Cline, Chair)

3:15-7:00pm, Tests of Inflation (Dimitri Nanopoulos, Chair)

4:45-7:00pm: Update on Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and New Methods to Detect Dark Matter (David Caldwell, Chair)

7:00-8:00pm: Reception, Covel Commons, Grand Horizon Ballroom Salon A (3rd floor room 306)

Thursday February 27, 2014, 8:00-9:40am: Indirect Detection of Dark Matter: Fermi-LAT, ACTs, etc. (Elliott Bloom, Chair)

10:55am-12:00pm: Search for Axions (Pierre Sikivie, Chair)

1:30-4:00pm: Search for sterile neutrino and astrophysical dark matter (George Fuller, Chair)

3:55-6:45pm: Dark Matter Theory (Katherine Freese, Chair)

7:45-9:00pm: Banquet, UCLA Faculty Center, California Room

Friday February 28, 2014, 8:00-12:00pm: Direct searches for dark matter and new labs

Low mass WIMPs (Bernard Sadoulet, Chair)

Massive WIMPs (David Caldwell, Chair)

Upcoming detectors and calibration (Hanguo Wang, Chair)

New laboratories and methods session I (Blas Cabrera, Chair)

New very large detectors (Cristiano Galbiati, Chair)

New laboratories and methods session II (Rene Ong, Chair)

6:30-7:30: Panel on the future of the Dark Matter search: discussion topics (Frank Calaprice, Chair)

Panel participants: Elliott Bloom (KIPAC-SLAC, Stanford University), Katherine Freese (University of Michigan), Cristiano Galbiati (Princeton University), Richard Gaitskell (Brown University), Bernard Sadoulet (UC Berkeley), Pierre Sikivie (University of Florida), Elena Aprile (Columbia University)

  • What is the evidence that the dark matter of the galaxy is particles and not just normal (but dark) matter (a lot of black holes or smaller cold baryonic clumps), or is it just a MOND-inspired type of new gravitational force?
  • How should the hints of low mass dark matter influence the future of direct detection experiments? Should we be in a rush to build multi-ton detectors for high mass?
  • If the 2014 - 2015 LHC run fails to find a dark matter signal, does this change the strategy for direct dark matter detection or indirect detection experiments?
  • If SUSY is not found at the LHC, how can direct and indirect detection experiments be most useful in further restricting the possible phase space? Does the discovery of low mass dark matter exclude SUSY? How about the discovery of axions as the bulk of dark matter? Does the Higgs boson mass tell us anything about the WIMP mass?

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