For Fall Quarter 2013 I'm teaching two courses.
Physics 194-2: Research Group Seminars, Physics & Astronomy. This seminar is designed for undergraduate students who are part of research group/laboratory. It involves discussion of research of faculty members or students with regard to understanding methodology in field and laboratory equipment.
Physics 222A-1: Plasma Physics. We discuss properties of a Coulomb gas with and without a magnetic field: equilibrium, oscillations, instabilities, fluctuations, collective phenomena, transport properties, and radiation. Description via single-particle orbit theory, magnetohydrodynamics, and kinetic equations of various types.
Previous course taught: Physics 6A, Physics 6C, Physics 4BL, Physics 1B, Physics 110A/B, Physics M122, Physics 180E, Physics 495.
Here is some more info on my teaching methods: Eric Mazur's site on peer instruction.