Abstract submission is now closed

Thank you for your interest. April 24, 2015 was the deadline for abstract submission.

Dates to remember

  • May 15, 2015: Hotel reservation deadline.
  • May 15, 2015: Early registration deadline.
  • June 6, 2015: This is the no-refund date for registration payments.

Latest news

Early registration is available only through May 15. After that date the regular registration fee of $950 ($800 for students and retirees) will apply.


  • Frank Tsung
  • Chris Niemann
  • Ben Winjum

Technical committee

Peter Amendt (LLNL), Dustin Froula (LLE), Matthias Geissel (Sandia), Denise Hinkel (LLNL), Suxing Hu (LLE), Thomas Kwan (LANL), C. K. Li (MIT), Chris McGuffey (UCSD), Peter Norreys (Imperial/RAL), David Strozzi (LLNL), Alec Thomas (Univ. of Michigan), Scott Wilks (LLNL).